Friday 1 March 2013

Eyes Alight

The Eyes Alight appeal is a part of BIRT (Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust) formed due to Izzy Judd being "inspired" by her brother, Rupert and his sad story:

Not only does this bring floods to my eyes (every time), it's even worse to think about the amount of people with these stories. Yet, the Eyes Alight appeal is a way to make, as Izzy says, the process "brighter".

"Eyes Alight is totally inspired by my brother Rupert who suffered a serious brain injury as a result of a car accident. Rupert's story is just one of so many stories about people who, sadly, are going through long term brain injury rehabilitation. After getting to know other service users at Kent House, I noticed that there were things that would make a big difference to their lives. For example, laptops to help them keep in touch with their family and friends, developing a sensory garden for everyone to enjoy, and providing music therapy sessions which are both fun and an aid to rehabilitation. By supporting the Eyes Alight Appeal, together we can make brain injury rehabilitation a little bit brighter." - Izzy Judd [Johnston].

When I sit and think about it, I just think how sad it is; how much it - quite frankly - sucks: that all these futures have been altered; all these lives of their families - of the victim - have been changed but then I think (and as heart-wrenching as it is): this stuff happens all the time and look at what an awesome charity has been a result of such a terrible thing.

Their aim is simple: the money raised helps patients smile a little more. This could be by having new equipment for their favourite hobby or going on a day out. It, in turn, makes the eyes become "alight".

Be sure to check them out and donate if you can!

Hearts & Gumdrops,

The Girl in the Moonlight.

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